Cream of Artichoke Soup
50 MIN


4 – Whole artichokes
2 cups – Water
2 cups – Chicken stock
2 tbsps – Seafood Stock
1/2 cup – Dry vermouth
1 – Potato, diced
1 small – Carrot, diced
1 – Onion, chopped
1 small – Stalk celery, diced
2 cloves – Garlic, minced
2 – Bay leaves
1/2 tbsp – Dried marjoram
1 cup – Heavy whipping cream
Grated Romano cheese
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
- Steam the artichokes in 2 cups water until tender (about 45 minutes) and reserve the liquid afterward. Allow the artichokes to cool.
- Scrape the flesh from the bottom third of each leaf and place in a medium soup pot along with the artichoke liquid.
- Remove fuzzy choke from each artichoke bottom and discard.
- Coarsely dice the artichoke bottoms and place in the soup pot. Next add chicken stock, Seafood Stock, vermouth, potato, carrot, onion, celery, garlic, bay leaves, and marjoram. Simmer until the vegetables are very tender and the liquid is reduced by 1/3, about 45 minutes.
- Next puree the soup in a blender and return to the pot.
- Add the cream and the cheese and heat through but don’t boil. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve with croutons on top.